Welcome to this public consultation website to explain more about AMA’s proposals for a new sports led mixed use development on the remaining undeveloped part of the former Moray House Cramond Campus site, adjacent to Cramond Road North.

The current proposals

The current proposals for the site have been developed following an extensive appraisal and needs analysis process and engagement with the community to understand current sporting options and needs. For further information on the background to the proposals and the appraisal and needs analysis work and outcomes, please click here.

The current proposals for the site include:

  • Outdoor sports facilities (including a synthetic pitch and active loop)
  • A sports hub building featuring padel tennis, gym and other associated facilities, including a social café/restaurant space
  • Landscaped open space including a children’s play area
  • Later living accommodation and care home
  • New local retail provision
  • New and enhanced connections through the site for walking, wheeling and cycling

The vision for the site is to create an integrated multi-generational landscape-led development which will deliver a range of sport, health and wellbeing benefits. The development will create a variety of indoor and outdoor activity spaces and open space for all ages to enjoy, while helping to support local living with new facilities for the community. The care home, later living and other commercial uses will assist in delivering the sporting elements.


AMA has submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to City of Edinburgh Council to commence the statutory pre-application consultation period on the proposals before a planning application is submitted to City of Edinburgh Council. The general description of development on the PAN notice is:

“Proposed mixed-use development comprising sport and leisure facilities (Class 11) (including synthetic pitch, active loop and sports hub featuring gym, padel tennis and other associated uses); later living accommodation (Class 8/Class 9/flatted residential); Care Home (Class 8); and other commercial facilities (including potential for Class 1A (Shops, financial and other professional services), Class 3 (Food and Drink) and Class 4 (Business); landscaping and open space; access; car parking and other associated works”

Public Consultation Event One

A first drop-in consultation event will take place at Cramond Kirk Hall. This event will provide an opportunity to learn more about the initial proposals for the site and to provide feedback to inform the development proposals. Members of the project team will be on hand at the event to discuss the proposals and answer any queries.

Cramond Kirk Hall
1 Kirk Cramond
Wednesday, 29th May 2024
3:30pm - 8pm
Thursday, 30th May 2024
4:15pm - 8pm

Event One Proposals

The event one exhibition boards are available for viewing by clicking the link provided below.

Public Consultation Event Two

We will be holding a second pre-application public consultation event at a later date to share the feedback we receive from event one and to present more detailed proposals for the site. The website will be updated with details of the second event once known.

Planning Application

This public consultation is being undertaken in advance of an application for Planning Permission in Principle being made to City of Edinburgh Council.

While the proposed format of the forthcoming application is a Planning Permission in Principle Application, it has been agreed in discussions with planning officers, that the proposals will come forward as a ‘hybrid application’ with full detail of parts of the development included within the PPP application. It is the intention that the later living element of the proposals will come forward ‘in principle’ only, with full detail of the remainder of the scheme included as part of the PPP application. This will enable work to start sooner on the parts of the development which include the sports provision, before the full details of the later living element are known. This ‘hybrid’ approach and the proposed phasing will be explained more fully at the public events.

Please note that any feedback provided to this public consultation is made directly to the prospective applicant, AMA (Cramond) Ltd and is not a representation to the planning authority. There will be an opportunity to make formal comments to the Planning Authority once a planning application is lodged.